
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

His And Her Remixes: Rihanna And Chris Brown Reunite On Wax

"The moral police are disgusted. Those who prayed to the gossip gods Rihanna and Chris Brown – one of pop music’s most popular couples ever – would rekindle a flame (that ended horribly) will rejoice. And both sides’ll meet at center court to combat the duo’s new record, Rih-Rih’s “Birthday Cake (Remix)” and Chris’ “Turn Up The Music (Remix).” The success of the records are pretty much a forgone conclusion. Both are pop star darlings and both encompass a healthy bit of “edge” to their personas. That, alone, is a recepie for Billboard ascension.

Yet, it’s the politics around the records which’ll have the world talking. What Chris did was horrific and for doing so the court of public opinion will never let him truly live that down. No amount of apologies or tears-driven award shows performances will erase the past (his “now you see it/now you don’t” Twitter rants don’t help his cause either). And truthfully, Chris should pray to whatever higher power he worships every night he’s not an E! True Hollywood Story. However, if Chris’ act of domestic impropriety really is that wickedly evil, then maybe we should refrain from appreciating any record from James Brown, Miles Davis or Rick James again. Or, how I see it, maybe C.B. will have to kick the bucket before he makes the transition from “horrible person” to “legend with flaws.” Because, say what you will about this generation’s choice in music, Chris Brown is a modern day legend. I’m not defending his actions in the least bit, please understand this; instead, I’m choosing to look at the situation from a different vantage point. Plus, if Chris attracts a certain level of criticism, then Rihanna does too for even potentially putting herself back in a situation that caused her to miss the 2009 Grammys. 

I guess what I’m trying to say is Chris Brown and Rihanna are not moral barometers, regardless of how much the world pegs them to be. If they represent this much of an influence over impressionable minds, parents need to do what my mother did to me with Hip-Hop in the ’90s – threaten to skin me alive if I ever decided to recreate what I heard on wax or saw my favorite entertainers portraying. Tupac’s influence over my life and how I take in music will always hold precedence, but let me have spit into a single camera growing up yelling “Have a good summer, BIYATCH!” I wouldn’t be alive right now. Whatever though, let me shut up before opening a can of worms that’s bigger than this post, these remixes, myself or anyone reading. Enjoy (or choose not to enjoy) the songs. Either way you won’t be able to avoid them."

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